Photos courtesy of Castello San Giuseppe
10010 Chiaverano di Ivrea
Tel: ++39 0125 424 370
Hotel website
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24 rooms
Single rooms: from 105 euros
Double rooms: from 140 euros
Suites: from 205 euros
Rates include breakfast
Open: all year; seasonal closing for one week in January
Ivrea is 40 km north of Torino. Take the “Ivrea” exit from the A5 and follow the signposts toward Lago Sirio.
Nearby: tennis; golf; canoeing; horseback riding; swimming; climbing; wine tours
Yes. Inquire hotel for details.
Just outside of the village of Ivrea, the Castello di San Giuseppe stands nestled on a hilltop, with five lakes below. Reflecting its monastic origins, it’s a peaceful, secluded, and romantic spot.
Guest rooms have medieval touches as well, with their wonderful vaulted ceilings. Some rooms feature canopied beds, Oriental carpets, and Jacuzzis in thoroughly modernized bathrooms.
Dining takes place in an ancient room with frescoes on the wall. During the summer months you can enjoy a candlelight dinner in the garden or under the gazebo among the palm and magnolia trees.
If you’re in a hurry, or terribly important, there is a helicopter landing pad nearby.
Splendid views