When is the best time to travel to Germany?
The high season for travel to Germany runs roughly from May through September when days are long and everyone is outdoors. The summer months are no guarantee, however, that the weather will be warm and sunny. It’s not unheard of for a real “summer” to last all of a week, with cloudy days being the norm. Always throw a jacket in your bag, especially if you’re traveling to the Alpine region.
July and August find the main touring areas crowded; always make reservations for these peak months. May, June, September, and the first part of October are delightful, with pleasant weather, fewer people, and less stress. Keep in mind that Munich during Oktoberfest in the fall will require reservations. As an alternative, there are plenty of wine festivals elsewhere in Germany.
Winter has the advantage of concerts, theatres, and exhibitions on offer. Winter days are short, so you must use every minute of daylight to full advantage. Many hotels in the resort areas shut down for the season, and some castle hotels will close for a few weeks in December or January. Check the hotel pages for individual information and always reconfirm with the hotel.