When is the best time to travel to Italy?
Anytime, really! Seriously, the best time to visit? Without a doubt, April through June and September through October.
During the summer months the temperature soars and so does the mass of humanity, all hoping to see the same things you want to see. It all comes to a head in August when the floodgates open and Italians pour out of the cities to the resorts, beaches, and islands. Although you might even find parking in the city during August, many restaurants and shops close down. Reservations are essential during the summer months.
Most castle hotels, except those in the mountains, have air conditioning.
During the winter months, temperatures can be mild in the south and nasty and cold in the north.
Winter time also means many castle hotels close for the season, giving the proprietors a much deserved break and a chance to make renovations. Always check when making a reservation if any hotel facilities, such as the hotel restaurant, will be closed.
In general, Italy’s climate is delightful with warm dry summers and mild winters.
Italy enjoys a calendar bursting with feast days, holidays, carnevales, and festivals devoted to just about anything. Expect higher hotel prices and a scarcity of rooms during these times.